April 2020

The old stuff

I've had a web-server since 2003 or something like that and I haven't really touched it in a while. So randomly today I logged in again via FTP and found that I still had tons of my old photos on there that I believe used to be on a previous (previous, previous?) version of this website. And when I say old photos I mean OLD photos. My concert photography photos. Feels like a really long time ago now. You could roughly split them up into the pre-2009 era (the very first ones I took where in 2003) and then everything post-2009. I bought my first DSLR in 2008, but I think I mostly used it in 2009. That year with all those summer festivals in Finland.

Anyway, I thought I should upload some more of those OLD photos here. They don't look great. I know that. And I'm sure I have the originals on an old hard-drive somewhere, but I wouldn't have the time to look for them and perhaps edit everything again, so why not look at all the really old photos?

Here's a random one I picked.

Adamantra @ Tavastia, Helsinki, Finland (September 26th, 2009)

There are more photos in the gallery.